CAPTCHAThis form is for all volunteers under the age of 18 who are working with younger children in a position of authority.The Diocese of Toledo proclaims the Good News with dedicated and faithful disciples like you. The Diocese is grateful and truly blessed that you have chosen to share your gifts with the young people in our care. The following regulations remind us what is acceptable in volunteering/working with our minors. This policy is imperative for the protection of our youth and for your own personal protection as well.As a volunteer/employee: I will act as a role model or mentor reflecting Gospel values. I will be a good listener, and treat everyone with patience, courtesy, dignity, and consideration. I will know to whom and for whom I am responsible. I will report to my supervisor and let him/her know if something strange, embarrassing or possibly compromising happens in my ministry. I will maintain ongoing communication with my supervisor regarding interactions I have with youth. I will report any child abuse or neglect which I suspect to my immediate supervisor and to the child protective agency in my county. I will report any child abuse involving an employee or volunteer to the Diocesan Care Manager, Frank DiLallo at 419-244-6711 ext. 632, 419-24-2150 (private line) or 1-800-926-8277 ext 632. I will also notify my supervisor. I will participate with youth affiliated with the Diocese of Toledo, only in church or school sponsored events, trips (day or over-night), meetings, gatherings, retreats, conferences, and/or sporting events. I will use discretion if I must meet with a minor alone using an office with a window, open door, or adult present. I will use discretion if I must accompany a youth into a restroom or locker room and if possible I will ask another adult to be present. I will dress appropriately when working/volunteering with youth. I will use discretion with physical displays of emotion, such as hugging children. A hug can have different connotations for and elementary student than for a jr. high or high school student. I will restrict all digital networking and communication including but not limited to e-mail, texting, Facebook, Twitter, cell phones, ect. with school and/or parish youth to matters that are ministry related and not personal in nature. This communication includes information concerning classes, youth ministry events, parish events, athletic/event schedules or registration/event related forms. When appropriate and possible parents/legal guardians and my supervisor are to be included in related discussions pertaining to and about youth and/or electronically copied on such correspondences. As a volunteer/employee: I will not use inappropriate or suggestive jokes or stories, profanity, or foul language with youth I will not be in possession of pornographic materials when in the presence of youth. I will not be in possession of a firearm or weapon in the presence of youth. (Excludes law enforcement personnel). I will not drive alone with youth with the exception of family members. I will not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or illegally controlled substances in the presence of youth or prior to being with any group involving youth where I am responsible. I will not partake of the use of tobacco related products, including but not confined to vapes and e-cigs, in the presence of youth. I will not attempt professional counselling. I will not visit a youth’s home unless a parent or legal guardian is present. I will not discipline using physical contact or demeaning or sarcastic language. I will not share inappropriate personal information with youth and/or about youth. By checking the above boxes, I certify that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with all of the statements included in this document.* I swear that the name being signed on this form is the same person filling out the form.Name First