Baptism is the first and necessary sacrament to become a Christian. Baptism can be undertaken at any age. Baptism frees us from sin and makes us members of the Christian community. We become sons and daughters of God.
Baptism is modeled upon the baptism of Christ Himself. Water is used to symbolize death to sin, life in Christ and the cleansing of the soul from all sin, including original sin. The words used are, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Typically, a priest or deacon is the one who baptizes.
The process for Baptism at St. Charles for those baptizing their first child is to complete the Baptismal Form below and send to everettz@stcharleslima.org. Once the form is completed Parents will schedule a short meeting with Zach Everett and then begin their online Baptismal Formation Class. Once the class is completed and both the Baptismal Form and Godparent Forms are submitted your child’s baptism will be scheduled. Baptisms normally occur at St. Charles on the Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month except during Lent. Baptisms on the Second Sunday of the Month are during the 10:30 AM Mass and Baptisms on the fourth Sunday of the Month are after the 10:30 AM Mass.