Edge is our Jr. High Youth Group and primary catechesis for middle school students in grades 6-8. However, you do not have to be Catholic to join in, just come with an open heart for Jesus and an open mind to grow in faith. Our youth participate in activities, enjoy engaging presentations, make it real in small groups and pray together as a community. Our nights are facilitated by a trained Core Team dedicated to helping our middle-schoolers find their own faith through the Gifts of the Spirit and helping them grow through sharing experiences and example.
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe the summer is over already. Hopefully everyone had a great summer is and ready to get back into the swing of things with school. Edge will be starting back up in September, but you can start the registration process now, by clicking on the link below. This year we will be having Edge each week starting with the Fall Kick Off on September 15th . We meet after the 10:30 AM Mass at 11:30 AM in the church basement. We start with lunch and end at 1:30 PM.

Dear Parents and Girls in 6th– 8th Grade,
This year our Walking With Purpose program will provide the Blaze Belong program! It is a 20 week study for tween/teen girls. Life is tricky. This program will help to guide you towards positive emotional health and spiritual resiliency to deal with everyday issues at your age. It is ok if you did not do the Masterpiece program last year. All are welcome! We will continue to compare lies of this world with the truth found in Scripture as well as enjoy snacks, do fun activities and crafts, and build healthy relationships. Come join us! We meet from 3:15-4:15 on Mondays starting in the fall, taking holiday weeks off. Girls are welcome to walk over to the church basement after school.
For adults wanting to volunteer, please contact Jeanna Stallkamp at 419-234-0962 or jmstallkamp@gmail.com
You can also register online by clicking the button below