The procession will leave at the end of the 10:30 am Mass from the Seton section down the ramp in the Gathering Space and slowly move on the “inner sidewalk” next to the perimeter of the church lawn. We will head north on the Cable St. side and then head east on the Elm Street side, finally turning south on the East sidewalk. We will use the ramp under the canopy linking the Parish Office as we head back into the Seton section of church for closing Benediction.
Those who take part in the earlier Masses can also join in the procession. They can gather in the Gathering Space and then just filter into the procession.
Immediately following Benediction we will have a parish picnic. While no sign-up or registration is required to be in the procession, we do ask those who would like to take part in the picnic to register using the button below. We will need to know how much food to prepare and how to set-up to accommodate everyone.
We hope to see you there!
following 10:30 am Mass