Sunday, September 29th is the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Bring your favorite food dish from your home country and join us as we pray, worship, eat, and make memories together. Bring your dishes to the basement in the church anytime from 5-5:30pm. We will have helpers who will arrange the food. Then join us for Holy Hour in the church. Afterwards, meet back downstairs for our World Potluck, which will begin at 6:30. From there, the night will be food, games, music and fellowship! You’re invited to bring simple, shorter-length games that represent your homeland and can be taught easily to others. If you have suggestions for music from your part of the world-whether recorded or that you would perform live to play during the dinner-please let us know by emailing us at We will be forming a “playlist” to share and have a small stage for those who would like to perform. If you don’t have a dish to bring, you can still join us for prayer, food, and festivities! See Fr. Kent’s letter, as well as Pope Francis’ message below, for more details. Please spread the word! The schedule is below:

5:00-5:30pm– Reception of World Day gifts of food – in the Church basement

5:30-6:30pm– Holy Hour – in the Church

6:30-7:30pm– World Day Potluck – Church basement A/B

7:30-8:30pm– World Day Games & Music

Build Community, Follow Jesus,
Witness to the World