“By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.” – Lumen Gentium 11
Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation and is usually conferred by the Bishop or the Bishops Delegate here at St. Charles Borromeo. Every 4 years we will be travelling to Toledo Cathedral, Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary for Confirmation.
When we are baptized, we receive – partially – the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation completes those gifts in us. With Confirmation, we are “sealed” in the Spirit. When one is confirmed, the bishop will lay hands on the person, and then anoint them with chrism (blessed oil) reserved for just this purpose. The use of oil has a rich history in the Church: it symbolizes (in part) cleansing, healing, and strengthening. In Confirmation, we are strengthened in Christ and in our ability to live an outward Christian life.
At St. Charles Borromeo, we begin instruction for Confirmation in the 8th grade. These instructions are offered through attendance at St. Charles School or through our Edge program. Registration for Edge can be found under Edge tab. Edge is held on Sunday’s from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, immediately following the 10:30 am Mass. These sessions include a meal, activities, a message, and small group discussions.
Parents should sign the child or children up for Confirmation classes if they meet the following requirements:
- The child is baptized. A copy of the child’s baptismal certificate will be required if he/she was not baptized here at St. Charles.
- Your child has made his/her First Holy Communion.
- The child is enrolled in Edge or in a Catholic school where they will receive proper instruction.
- The child has reached 8th grade.
- The child attends weekly Mass. Attendance of weekly Mass is an integral part of the preparation process for the sacraments. Mass is where we have our most intimate encounter with Jesus Christ. Let’s be sure our children experience this every week.
If your child is baptized, but through another Christian faith, please let us know if there was a profession of faith made along with the name of the Catholic church and date of the profession. If there has not yet been a profession of faith, please contact Jeremy Hollis, our Director of Youth Discipleship and Evangelization at 419-228-7635 or via email at hollisj@stcharleslima.org and he will help you through the process.
If your child/children is ready to begin preparations for Confirmation, please begin the process by filling out this online information sheet. Paper copies can be obtained through the office or from your child’s catechist.
Damascus Decision Point Confirmation Retreat 2023